“After the Wreck I Picked Myself Up, Spread my Wings, and Flew Away,” by Joyce Carol Oates

Book Cover of After the Wreck I Picked Myself Up, Spread my Wings, and Flew Away by Joyce Carol Oates“After the Wreck I Picked Myself Up, Spread my Wings, and Flew Away,” by Joyce Carol Oates is a truly unique book.

The book, which I will hereafter refer to as “After the Wreck,” is told by Jenna Abbott. Jenna's life is completely changed by a deadly car wreck that kills her mother and leaves Jenna injured not only physically but mentally and emotionally.

“After the Wreck” is told in a very powerful first person voice that opens up Jenna's deepest and most important feelings to the reader.

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Review of "After the Wreck I Picked Myself Up, Spread My Wings and Flew Away" by Joyce Carol Oates

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Inkweaver Review 2008-07-25T14:06:00-05:00

2 replies so far. What are your thoughts?

heather (errantdreams) said...

All of Oates's books that I've read have been written in very unique voices. They aren't always easy to read, but they are very powerful!

NathanKP said...

This is the first of Oates' books that I have read, but I'll have to see what else she's written.

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