Twelve-year-old Jonas lives in a world that is seemingly perfect. There is no conflict, war, poverty or suffering. Everyone seems to be happy, respecting each other and working together. Everyone is employed, working special jobs chosen by elders who have observed them for years to determine their strengths.
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18 replies so far. What are your thoughts?
I'm sorry to hear that.
Just Wait until you get to the good part, Which isn't that far.
The story gets much more exciting near the end. The beginning is a little slow, but it works.
Great book, but the ending should have been a little more resolved.
I agree that the ending to "The Giver" leaves you wondering what happens next. But the story is continued in "Messenger" by Lois Lowry, and a parallel track in "Gathering Blue" also explains more.
By the time you read all three books you will understand more about the world of "The Giver" and what happens to Jonas.
Thanks for commenting.
Hey, I'm reading this next semester for school although from this review I may read it earlier. I've heard it's not that great but that was from a friend who hadn't finished it yet. So I hope it does get better.
Responses to "The Giver" are definitely mixed. I, personally, loved it, and many others do to, but it doesn't appeal to the tastes of some.
The plot is very different from that of most books and the ending is not at all satisfying unless you read the other two books of "The Giver" series.
But do give it a try.
One of the best books for young adults, this piece of work opens up the room for discussion on many subjects; from politics to psychology. Definitely thought provoking, Lois Lowry's work can serve as a gradual transition for children, into discussing and thinking about mature subjects. I personally loved how she brings out an extreme form of communism -one that involves emotion control for citizens as well- and how the protagonist comes to understand its negative affects. An easy read, highly recommended, even for adults.
Thank you very much for the thoughtful and detailed comment. I agree that "The Giver" is an amazing work of art that both children and adults can enjoy.
And its deep message inspires all sorts of thought about how the future of our own society may turn out.
OMG i need to find out why the old man on the cover is soooo important to Lois Lowry becauseits making me go mad to not be able to know and my teacher is driving me in sane about it.....wright back
Have you considered reading the book? ;)
This book is the best book ever and i love it
I actually hated the book.. the fact that the ending was very ambiguous made me dislike it even more.
I think the boy and the baby "die" in that they go to the other side, i.e. heaven. The music they
hear from the welcoming home seems otherworldly.
I imagine them being embraced by loving arms.
What was the name of the man on the cover of the Giver? I know he is 'The Giver' in the book, but in real life who is he? Or is he just a drawing?
His name is just the geiver :D p.s love the book
I just hate the ending.
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