The story is set in the early 1960's in Ottawa, Canada. The main character is a young boy named Rex. Rex's life is always full of adventure. Not only does he have an evil substitute teacher named Miss Garr, but he also has a whole host of strange mysteries to solve. Who owns the mysterious address book that Rex found in a phone booth? Who is that beautiful woman with the black eye? Why does it seem as if Rex's father is hiding something from him? Rex doesn't yet know the answers, but with his band of courageous friends he plans to get to the bottom of these mysteries, and get rid of Miss Garr at the same time!
I wasn't particularly impressed with “Rex Zero – King of Nothing.” Not only were the characters in the story slightly ridiculous, but the plot was also highly unbelievable. Most of Rex's escapades wavered between the foolish and the downright reckless. The only slightly interesting thing about “Rex Zero – King of Nothing” was its portrayal of the world during the 1960's, from the Red Scare to the current technology. The children in “Rex Zero – King of Nothing” don't have cell phones and they don't play video games, they play sports and ride their bikes.
To summarize, I'm sure that a school age child might enjoy this book, but personally I'm of the opinion that even for a junior fiction novel “Rex Zero – King of Nothing” is exceptional for its lack of depth.
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